A landlord has been fined £10,000 by a Devon council for failing to tackle what it calls “essential repairs following a complaint from a tenant.”
It is the first time that Teignmouth council has levied a fine under the Housing Act 2004. But it says that with over six months elapsing without the repairs being made, it felt it had no other option but to impose the fixed penalty notice in an effort to get the essential safety work carried out.
An improvement notice was issued to the landlord after a council officer visited the property last year and identified a defective fire detection system and other fire safety concerns, hazardous stairs and a leaking roof.
As multiple households were affected by these hazards and the landlord was not cooperating, it was decided a tougher approach was needed.
Executive Member for Housing Martin Wrigley says: “We are determined to tackle rogue landlords who do not maintain rented properties properly and put residents at risk.
“It is really important that anyone renting a property in Teignbridge can be confident that it is a safe place to live.
‘It is disappointing that although the Landlord had plenty of time to do the work, they didn’t get it done. When an improvement notice has been served, Teignbridge Council expects it to be carried out, so that tenants are not at risk.
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